The Sacraments of the ChurchThe disciples, who surrounded Jesus during his ministry here on Earth, could truly meet the Lord and experience the healing touch of his love and mercy. We might naturally be lead to think that they were very much a separate privileged group. While this might be true on one level, we are all in fact given the same wonderful opportunity to encounter Jesus. The Church is often spoken of as the Body of Christ, of which the Lord himself is the head. It is precisely in and through the Church that Christ continues to act very much like he acted when he walked this earth. Yet now his presence is even greater and no longer confined to a specific location. His presence is truly universal. These unique actions of Christ we all have the opportunity to encounter in our life are more formally referred to as Sacraments. In them Christ accompanies and leads us through all stages of our life so that, when our end finally comes, we can all finally meet him truly face-to-face.